is a groundbreaking project that I co-developed with my partner, Christian. Our goal was to leverage the capabilities of AI to offer professional advice and knowledge to users in a cost-effective way. By enabling ChatGPT to embody different professional roles, we're able to provide users with insightful information at their fingertips. Moreover, we expanded the scope of the platform to include impersonations of historical figures for educational engagement, and celebrities for entertainment value.

The core technologies behind include React JavaScript for a responsive frontend, Flask Python for a reliable backend, and SQLite for efficient data management. We employed the GPT 3.5 model via the OpenAI API, which allowed us to balance cost-effectiveness with powerful performance. stands out with its user-centric design. It supports multiple user accounts and AI personalities, allowing users to save their chat histories for a personalized and immersive experience. My contribution to this project, alongside Christian, spanned the entire development stack. We jointly navigated all stages of development, from initial concept to final execution.

The project presented an innovative solution to a real-world problem - the high cost and accessibility of professional advice. demonstrates that AI, while not perfect, can provide valuable insights and information across a range of topics. This project showcases my ability to conceive, design, and execute a complex and creative tech solution.

Check out my project on GitHub.


Solitaire: No Frills